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Programa de Moda y Diseño

El Programa de Moda y Diseño ofrece una serie de cursos de estudio de nivel introductorio, intermedio y avanzado, desarrollados para responder a las necesidades de los alumnos universitarios y profesionales de la industria que estudian en los campos de la moda y el diseño textil, la fabricación textil y la elaboración de productos. Los cursos individuales del programa también pueden resultar de interés para los usuarios de las áreas de marketing de la moda, predicción de tendencias, mercadotecnia y compras.


Creativos y diseñadores


Cursos certificados



Ripple Ripple

课程 : 4

Programa de Moda y Diseño
Diseño y confección de prendas de punto

Este curso proporciona conocimientos básicos sobre el diseño y la confección de prendas de punto de lana. El objetivo principal del curso es explorar el tejido de punto en relación con la elaboración de prendas de punto de lana. Aunque se aborda brevemente el tema del tejido de punto a mano y su lugar en la industria de las prendas de punto, se hace hincapié en el diseño y la confección industrial de las prendas de punto para su comercialización.

Diseño y confección de prendas de punto
35 minutos por módulo
11 单元
Programa de Moda y Diseño
Woven textile design and production

This course takes an in-depth look at the basic principles of woven textile design and manufacture. It covers the basic principles and mechanics of weaving and investigates a broad range of weave constructions.  The design process is discussed along with an exploration of the endless possibilities available to the woven textile designer who has a foundational understanding of how to select suitable yarns and utilise colour and weave combinations to create innovative, fit-for-purpose fabrics.

Woven textile design and production
6 hours
8 单元
Programa de Moda y Diseño
Introduction to textile printing

This course provides a foundational knowledge of printing in the textile industry. It provides an overview of the range of printing techniques and technology used to create colour and interest in textiles and garments.  The course explores the evolution of printing on textiles and takes a close look at the key technologies used for commercial printing applications.

There is a particular emphasis on printing on wool and wool-blend fabrics and a focus on some of the technical aspects that must be considered when selecting and using particular print technologies on these fabrics.

In a world of growing awareness of the need for sustainable, environmentally friendly practices, new innovations in the printing space are continually being developed, providing opportunities for creative expression; some of these are covered in this course.

Introduction to textile printing
1hr 51mins
7 单元
Programa de Moda y Diseño
Seamless knitting — Santoni technology

The course explores opportunities and solutions for creating products with seamless knit technology, and showcases how designers and brands can create, innovate and manufacture with seamless technology, with a focus on Merino wool yarns.

This innovative technology, led by knitwear technology manufacturer, Santoni, provides designers with an ever-increasing array of opportunities to create beautifully designed products, which fully integrate fashion with function to satisfy a variety of end-users.  Studio Eva x Carola is at the forefront of global innovation in performance textiles.  This course showcases the decade-long partnership between Studio Eva x Carola and The Woolmark Company to explore opportunities with seamless and circular knit technology using Australian Merino wool.

Seamless knitting — Santoni technology
2 单元